For many online retailers, this weekend represents the busiest period of the year. In fact, you should be so busy; you probably haven’t got time to read this blog. I’ll keep it short.
Over the long Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend it is highly likely your business will be hit with a deluge of new and repeat customers and you’ll be run off your feet ensuring that orders are fulfilled, stock levels are managed and marketing campaigns are firing from all cylinders. It’s important that you keep your head above the water and don’t become inundated. But it’s also vitally important that you do not forget all your marketing best practices and become a busy fool.
Online orders don’t just keep your virtual tills ringing. They supply the lifeblood of any online business – new email subscribers.
You might be tempted to put these new email subscribers to one side and concentrate on other aspects of running your business until things calm down a little (perhaps January or February). You’d be wrong to do this.
Because email marketing is the profitable component of everything else you do online to promote your business (including paid search), it is vitally important that you start working with these new email subscribers straight away.
Yes – you might be winning lots of new customers – but at what cost? Only email marketing will give you the opportunity to turn an expensively won new customer into a profitable relationship.
The window of opportunity to drive additional sales in the run (sprint) up to the Holidays is very short and the competition for your customers’ patronage is fierce. Take a leaf out of your customers’ book (read the chapter about fighting for bargains in the run up to the holidays) and start getting equally aggressive with your email marketing offers.
Remember, you might only see sales from a large percentage of your customers during the holiday period. Don’t wait till next year (when they will have forgotten about you) to hit them with new offers.