Clients are like children: You couldn’t possibly pick a favorite. However, I personally very much enjoy working with some of our smaller clients.
At iContact we work with businesses of all shapes and sizes. The fact is, regardless of whether you represent a multinational conglomerate or a part-time, home-based business, we believe that there is not a single enterprise that couldn’t benefit from our email marketing software.
In email marketing circles, the words “small business” can be quite misleading. Many of our small-business clients (in terms of number of people employed in the business) are actually among the most significant and sophisticated senders on our books.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
One of the joys of working with small businesses is the speed with which many of them can turn a plan into action. When a business owner also owns an organization’s sales and marketing strategy, it’s amazing how quickly an idea can be turned around. While larger organizations might have greater resources in terms of staffing and finance, smaller businesses are not burdened by the kind of bureaucracy and process that often delay big-business projects.
Our clients know that in an age when business moves at the speed of the Internet, agility can often mean the difference between winning and losing. Let’s face facts: Modern history has more than its fair share of lean online businesses taking the fight to the big boys and winning.
But it’s not just agility that wins the fight.
Small business owners are often closer to their clients and more exposed to the risk of conducting business than their corporate cousins. This enables them to hone their business skills based on tighter cooperation and the understanding that every single dollar invested in driving their business must count.
Larger organizations might be willing to lose focus on how tightly their marketing campaigns are targeted (typically, the larger the campaign, the less targeted it will be) because economies of scale will deliver some (albeit less than optimal) results. Smaller organizations cannot afford such waste.
Driving Small Business Efficiency
Successful small business marketers know that if their marketing budget is to deliver the kind of return-on-investment (ROI) they need to actually stay in business (and not just hit targets), they need to be delivering relevancy and value with every send.
This is why a growing number of small-business clients are investing in the kind of marketing technology that, until fairly recently, was only available to their larger competitors.
A Big Business That Thinks Small
iContact is by no means a small business, but we used to be, and we haven’t lost any of that small-business fighting spirit. That’s why we built iContact Pro, a smart(er) marketing solution that is robust enough for big businesses to effectively manage their marketing campaigns but also keenly priced so that small-business marketers can deliver the level of sophistication in their marketing they know they need to be remain competitive.
No matter how big your organization, if you like the idea of nurturing your prospects and clients and guiding them toward a bigger, brighter future, we believe that iContact Pro will help you reach your marketing objectives.
How sophisticated is your small business marketing strategy? Are you ready to deliver more engaging, relevant and timely campaigns. Check out iContact Pro today.